It is super-hot again here in Los Angeles. My strategy has been to get up really early and get to my desk on campus well before the heat gets going. This means that I’m not walking or waiting for the bus in too much heat on the way to work. The drawback of this strategy is that if I want to avoid that same sort of heat, I’d have to stay until the evening, which makes for a series of very long days. Not so good. So I’ve been sometimes walking home from the bus or subway very slowly, picking nice clumps of trees for shade, and stopping at this nice liquor store on the corner and emerging with a nice cold (nostalgic) cream soda, which is in a brown bottle that must look suspiciously like a beer. But I don’t care. It is hot.
(Photo: Someone was flying a kite that was a long sequence of kites on the beach in Santa Monica a week or two ago. Very pretty. Being on the beach seems like an excellent idea right now.)
With the official end of Summer sort of here, there are all of a sudden far too many events and social things going on, so my evenings have all been rather more consistently full of late than I normally care for, but each time it is something so very Click to continue reading this post