Well, hello to you and to 2019!
It has been a little while since I wrote here and not since last month when it was also last year, so let’s break that stretch. It was not a stretch of entire quiet, as those of you who follow on social media know (twitter, instagram, Facebook… see the sidebar for links), but I do know some of you don’t directly on social media, so I apologise for the neglect.
The fact is that I’ve been rather swamped with several things, including various duties that were time consuming. Many of them I can’t talk about, since they are not for public consumption (this ranges from being a science advisor on various things – some of which will be coming at you later in the year, to research projects that I’d rather not talk about yet, to sitting on various committees doing the service work that most academics do that helps the whole enterprise keep afloat). The most time-consuming of the ones I can talk about is probably being on the search committee for an astrophysics job for which we have an opening here at USC. This is exciting since it means that we’ll have a new colleague soon, doing exciting things in one of a variety of exciting areas in astrophysics. Which area still is to be determined, since we’ve to finish the search yet. But it did involve reading through a very large number of applications (CVs, cover letters, statements of research plans, teaching philosophies, letters of recommendation, etc), and meeting several times with colleagues to narrow things down to a (remarkable) short list… then hosting visitors/interviewees, arrangement meetings, and so forth. It is rather draining, while at the same time being very exciting since it marks a new beginning! It has been a while since we hired in this area in the department, and there’s optimism that this marks a beginning of a re-invigoration for certain research areas here.
Physics research projects have been on my mind a lot, of course. I remain very excited abut the results that I reported on in a post back in June, and I’ve been working on new ways of building on them. (Actually, I did already do a followup paper that I did not write about here. For those who are interested, it is a whole new way of defining a new generalisation of something called the Rényi entropy, that may be of interest to people in many fields, from quantum information to string theory. I ought to do a post, since it is a rather nice construction that could be useful in ways I’ve not thought of!) I’ve been doing some new explorations of how to exploit the central results in useful ways: Finding a direct link between the Second Law of Thermodynamics and properties of RG flow in quantum field theory ought to have several consequences beyond the key one I spelled out in the paper with Rosso (that Zamolodchikov’s C-theorem follows). Im particular, I want to sharpen it even further in terms of something following from heat engine constraints, as I’ve been aiming to do for a while. (See the post for links to earlier posts about the ‘holographic heat engines” and their role.)
You might be wondering how the garden is doing, since that’s something I post about here from time to time. Well, right now there is an on-going deluge of rain (third day in a row) that is a pleasure to see. The photo at the top of the page is one I took a few days ago when the sky was threatening the downpours we’re seeing now. The rain and the low Click to continue reading this post →