SCSS San Diego

dinner_pic_cvjFriday’s meeting was rather nice. There was a really good turnout (especially from UCLA) and so in the end we had the perfect combination of an attentive and receptive audience and four really good speakers. As per design of the whole thing, plenty of time was allowed for discussion and pedagogy, and so I got the feeling that people felt really comfortable raising points during the talks and also chatting further during the breaks and lunch and dinner. It was really good to catch up with friends and colleagues from groups in the area, renewing a sense of community in the region. (Dave, you were very missed – see you at the next one!) I also got to meet various new postdocs and students I’d not met before, and find out what sort of work they are up to.

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I’m very pleased that the SCSS (Southern California Strings Seminar) tradition has continued into another academic year and that it was supported by another group in the area. Thanks to Ken Intriligator for picking up the baton!

We all went to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant (see composite photo above*) near the beach before heading off into the night to our various destinations.


*I managed to cobble it together from two little photos I managed to squeeze out of my ancient little phone. (Ben, thanks for trying to get a shot too.)

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