Laserfest Videos

laser_beamI think I mentioned a while back that as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Laser, there was a video competition on Physics Central to make a fun video about the Laser. They were put on YouTube (tag is laserfest, I think) and then there was voting at some point (I imagine), and winners were chosen. You can see them here. Congratulations to the winners!

Actually, I think the whole playlist of Laserfest video entries is here, and you can jump through them by clicking the link to the next one in the top right hand area.

Are you aware of Laserfest, by the way? Go and check out the website and join in the celebrations of the Laser!

I should mention that the competition has all meant good news for my work as well. I submitted the film on lasers that I made last year (remember the films? see here and here) and so this all meant that it got more viewers (just short of 15,000 now; the other film is up above 16K by the way) and linked to more videos about lasers, which will result in… more viewers.

So that’s splendid news!


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