From the BBC*, I learned that there’s been an unexpected turn around in science education in the UK:
The latest statistics from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service on applications to join full-time degree courses, show double-figure percentage rises compared with the same time last year for physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and technology.
The speculations have begun:
While admission officers admit that they are baffled by this sudden and unexpected surge in interest, many secondary school and university tutors are convinced this is a result of long hard work by many working our education system.
“We really make a point of doing fun, practical things with all pupils when it comes to the sciences,” said Richard West, the head of science and physics at St Peter’s Collegiate School in Wolverhampton.
“We are encouraging after school science activities like astronomy and animal clubs and taking part in national competitions.”
Various other possible reasons are discussed as well, such as:
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