
Drawing of newborn babyA major part of the reason I’ve been very quiet here since the last post is because I was working on a different kind of project that has in fact taken up much of my bandwidth during the last many months.

This has been very welcome, as there is a new member of the family as a result! Attached is a drawing of our new daughter that I did a little bit after returning home from the delivery. (Click for larger view.)

Both mother and daughter are doing well, in case you’re wondering.

On past performance (see here) this means I should be getting busy and designing and drawing a 230 page non-fiction graphic narrative… but that seems a bit of a stretch to me right now!

(As I expect that there’ll be lots of sitting up on watch in the coming period, perhaps I’ll find some time to fill you in on several other things that have been on my mind, on the research front. There have been a couple of papers out that I’ve not spoken about yet. Stay tuned!)


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