Some Media!

photo of microphone and headphonesAll of a sudden several bits of media I’ve been involved with are appearing at once. Two of them are as follows:

* I had a lovely chat with Brianna Barbu of Symmetry Magazine about science, art, and science communication (particularly science advising for movies). She wrote a piece on our conversation here.

* There’s another piece, focusing on science advising for movies, written by Molly Glick for Discover Magazine. Some of my work is mentioned. One aspect I like about this piece (compared to many about science advising for `Hollywood’) is that it emphasizes that there are many scientists (and sciences) involved in the process, as opposed to having one of those “this is the guy Hollywood calls!” headlines that I am not a huge fan of. It is here.

(I think there are some more coming up very soon, including some great podcast conversations. Check back here and/or follow on social media for updates. Links in sidebar.)



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