In Print…!

graphic_novel_event_postcard_picture_ofHere’s the postcard they made to advertise the event of tomorrow (Tuesday)*. I’m pleased with how the design worked out, and I’m extra pleased about one important thing. This is the first time that any of my graphical work for the book has been printed professionally in any form on paper, and I am pleased to see that the pdf that I output actually properly gives the colours I’ve been working with on screen. There’s always been this nagging background worry (especially after the struggles I had to do to get the right output from my home printers) that somehow it would all be terribly wrong… that the colours would not at all be the ones that I’d designed on screen and it would be a whole extra thing to have to adjust them when it comes to publishing. (This even after I followed fairly standard practices and conventions to avoid such a thing happening.) So… it is a relief.

Maybe see you at the event tomorrow. You might not be able to read the card, so see here and here.


*Great work Tyson and Howard!

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31 Responses to In Print…!

  1. Clifford says:

    HI Pierre,

    Thanks for your thoughts, and attending the event!

    This sounds like a great program. I’ll email you about your request for me share ideas.



  2. Pierre Pandy says:


    My name is Pierre Pandy. I attended the Graphic Novoel panel last night at the Harmon Academy. I was the one with the questions about self-publication. I am glad that your flyer was realized to your satisfaction. My girlfriend is a product developer for a commercial printer and she has loads of experience getting images ‘print ready’. If you need someone to proof images or layout, I could make that introduction.

    On a separate note I believe that I told you last night that I work for a non-profit that specializes in teaching 5th grade students enhanced literacy. The end product is a play or a movie that is realized by professional actors. We meld the academic with the art by guiding the young writers through the process of making a completed product.

    We are always looking to expand the services we offer. At a recent professional development conference my boss showed some interest in starting a science program. All of our staff come from english, film, art, or theater background. I was wondering if we could meet and I could pick your brain about how we could go about incorporating science into the programs we offer.

    I can’t wait for the book to come out. I know getting publishers onboard with new forms of expression is no easy task. Thank you.

  3. Clifford says:

    Thanks Alice! Yes, I’m right now preparing a few slides showing some process steps, and also some thoughts about what it is I’m trying to achieve with this book and why it is somewhat different from much of what has gone before for science books done in graphic format. I hope the audience get something worthwhile from it all.



  4. Alice Oven says:

    This is fantastic, Clifford! A sort of sneak preview of what’s to come… and good luck with the discussion, it sounds fascinating.

  5. kneemo says:
