TEDYouth Day!

That was a fantastic day! Worth all the preparation. I am too exhausted to tell you much about it in person, but why not look at some of the descriptions of the talks and other activities that were put up on the TEDYouth blog? You can see a report from session 1 here and from session 2 here. In my photo you can see the two main hosts Kelly Stoetzel (who also co-curated the event, as she does for other TED events) and Rives getting everyone ready for the whole day that lay ahead. I was super-impressed with the standard of all the talks, and the variety. And I got to talk to a lot of the speakers at a reception afterward, which was great! The young people seemed really excited to be at the event and meet the speakers, and I enjoyed talking to them too – so many great questions!

Congratulations to all of the TED people for putting on such a great event.


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