Audience View

colloquium_audienceA shot of the gathering audience for my colloquium two weeks ago. (Click for larger view. I mentioned the circumstance behind it here.) It was a lot of fun, I must say. I spent a good deal of time preparing the slides in the day and a half leading up to it, and it was worth it. The audience seemed very attentive (or perhaps they are collectively very good at faking) and I got some great questions along the way, and at the end. My hope was to do a short and sweet colloquium (people like it if you finish early) but I will admit that this did not work out. In preparation stages I ran out of time to do the streamlining I wanted to do to lose several slides (I always do more than I need and then cut it down after), so, combined with interruptions for questions, I ran over a little. Bah. People did not seem to mind too much, though. I’m supposed to be giving a few colloquiua in the next month or two, and so I’ll be able to find time to refine the whole thing somewhat, as well as retool the focus of the talk a bit more to my current tastes…


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