Encounters On the Road Less Travelled

Well, I snapped this shot of this awfully cool woman while I waited at the lights….

lady on tricycle

… and then as I cycled by on my own “funny-looking bike”, I waved to her and yelled “nice wheels!” (since “nice bike!” would be inappropriate, and “nice trike!” sounds like she’s a 5 year old, rather than her 50+? years). I was so pleased to see her.

I hope that I did not scare her.


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6 Responses to Encounters On the Road Less Travelled

  1. Pingback: More Encounters On the Road Less Travelled - Asymptotia

  2. spyder says:

    Well, there is this funny bike for those occasions when you are traveling heavy and need to carry the furniture with the laptop. The nice part for me is to have been living in the same small community watching these kids grow up (with my oldest son) to be creative engineers and damn good musicians too. The company is now successful enough to help sponsor the music, carrying both on tour; not bad for a group we used to just call “those damned ridge kids.”

  3. Clifford says:

    Rob, sorry that the spam blocker held your comment up a bit….

    Candace….. I think you need to be carrying a camera with you in order to share those images…. 😉


  4. candace says:

    That’s excellent! Trikes are so wonderful; I love the Christiania ones, too.
    I passed a chap trundling across Waterloo Bridge last night on a bike with four overstuffed panniers pulling a trailer that had his DOG perched on it. He was moving house via bicycle or something!

  5. Rob Knop says:

    Three wheels is two too many… 🙂


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