Actually, it’s even better than I thought! There’s a whole collection called “The String Doll Gang”. Here are some of them (click for larger):
Cute aren’t they? Yes, each apparently made of onecontinuouspieceofstring. More about them, and closeups (and prices) at this site.
Now, being a responsible citizen and all, I can’t discourage you enough from trying to match various members of the real live string community to these dolls. That would be a bad thing to do. Bad!
there so cute i want them all!!!!!!1
Wow! They are everywhere. I’ve seen them in Poland.
Kool i got 1 down my local shop and there soooo koooool!!!!!I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are so cuet!!!
I thought they looked awesome tell I saw the voodo dolls
These are so cool! I bought some while I was down in London but I want more!! There so full of character 😛 XD
I’m sorry for this blunder! I’ve had a long day, and I’m stupid this evening…
Nice string dolls.. I’ve seen one long ago at my cousin’s. Some poor people used to do this kind of doll back then.
DAMTP’s newsletter is not called Asymptotia.
On the other thing…. Yes, I saw it a couple of days ago….post coming up on that shortly.
oh man, I can just see the Witten string doll…
Hi Clifford
Did you that DAMTP has a quarterly newsletter called “Asymptotia”?
Btw, Hawking is looking for a grad assistant!