Green Anticipation

The tomatoes are coming! Here are two of several clusters of tomato-ey goodness about to go from garden to table. The benefits of having remembered to plant early this year… (Click for larger view.)

The colour change will happen soon, and with any luck (not counting one’s chickens now) I ought to get to eat some of these!


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4 Responses to Green Anticipation

  1. Pingback: Dark Red and Orange at Asymptotia

  2. Pingback: Red Results at Asymptotia

  3. Daniel says:

    They look great! I am also planning to plant more green in my garden, veggies and fruits.-

  4. Elliot says:

    Tomatoes are tasty and good for you. I love them in sauce with lots of garlic and other herbs (basil oregano etc.)

    Of course the old BLT or Turkey Club (I always use thousand island dressing instead of mayo) are two of my favorite sandwiches.
