I Can Retire Now…

kc cole and cv johnson … since on Friday, our event of Thursday night, along with a photo of KC and myself in action, made the front page …of the campus newspaper, the Daily Trojan! This is a big deal, you see. Front page spots for faculty in the student newspaper…. and colour photos to boot. Such treatment is for the football team almost exclusively, I was led to believe.

Story, by Laura Simurda, is here.

Photo by Joseph Zuniga of the DT. (Heh… if you look closely you can see that I forgot to take off my cycle-clips. I wear them all the time as it is the best place to keep them, when on campus…. also, think of it as a sort of silent protest against excessive car use.)


(Thanks Krzysztof)

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2 Responses to I Can Retire Now…

  1. Clifford says:

    Hi Michael,

    I think that you’re asking me if I believe there is such a thing as a “theory of everything”. I have a gut feeling that the answer may be “no”. I’m fairly certain that it is an overly simplistic idea….. but I admit that I’ve not considered much the idea of a species being around an infinite amount of time to accumulate knowledge…..

    ….yep, I think that the answer is “no”. It is an ever-continuing exciting journey of discovery.


  2. Michael Zhao says:

    Dr. Johnson:

    I was captivated by what you had to say at Visions and Voices on Thursday. I wanted to ask you a question, but I did not have the opportunity to do so at the event. I know that because you are a physicist, this question may not necessarily be from your field of expertise, but I would love to hear your opinion regarding the matter.

    Assuming that humans live for as long as necessary for the following condition to be fulfilled, do you believe that humans will one day be able to explain everything?



    Michael Zhao