Beyond the Battling Babes

Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 14.03.58The recent Babe War (Food Babe vs Science Babe) that probably touched your inbox or news feed is a great opportunity to think about a broader issue: the changing faces of science communication. I spoke about this with LA Times science writer Eryn Brown who wrote an excellent article about it that appears today. (Picture (Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times) and headline are from the article’s online version.)

(By the way, due to space issues, a lot of what we spoke about did not make it to the article (at least not in the form of quotes), including: The increased access the general public now has to science and science-related content (both good and bad), which I think is a good thing; The need for continued efforts to raise the overall level of basic science literacy members of the public have, in order to help them distinguish signal from noise; The wider range of people who feel they can join the conversation about science (also a positive, but see the previous point);… And so on.)

Enjoy the article! I think it examines some of these issues rather nicely.


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