Experiments with Colour

Well, that was interesting! I got a hankering to experiment with pastels the other day. I am not sure why. Then I remembered that I had a similar urge some years ago but had not got past the phase of actually investing in a few bits of equipment. So I dug them out and found a bit of time to experiment. pastel_experiment_18_jan_2015_small It is not a medium I’ve really done anything in before and I have a feeling it is a good additional way of exploring technique, and feeling out colour design for parts of the book later on. Who knows? Anyway, all I know is that without my regular subway sketches and so forth, I’m likely to get very rusty, so I need drawing practice whenever I can get a moment between my childcare duties. This was an excuse to get some while trying something new. I can report that it is a lot of fun, and will likely be useful later on… It is a great compliment to the colour I use in my sketchbook: Mostly watercolour pencil (flowed on the page with water brush), and occasionally just coloured ink pens. See e.g. here and here.

(What you see is unfinished – I don’t know if I will finish it. The lady is from a photo in a magazine ad. These are pastel pencils as opposed to raw pastels.)


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