And Back…

subway_sketches_27_08_2014It is a new semester, and a new academic year. So this means getting back into the routine of lots of various aspects of the standard professor gig. For me this also involves being back in LA and taking the subway, and so this means getting (when it is not too busy as it seems to get a lot now) to sketch people. The guy with the red sunglasses was on his way to USC as well, and while he was reading or playing a game on his phone (such things are a blessing to sketchers… they help people hold in a fixed position for good stretches of time) I was able to get a quick sketch done in a few stops on the Expo line before we all got off. The other guy with the oddly trimmed beard was just briefly seen on the Red line, and so I did not get to make much of him…

I’m teaching electromagnetism at graduate level again this semester, and so it ought to be fun, given that it is such a fun topic. I hope that the group of students enjoys it, and joins in the discussion and so forth in a constructive way. It makes for a really good class, and everyone (including me) learns more when it is interactive in this manner that I try to encourage. We shall see. Indications are (based on two classes so far) that it will be a good group. (You can search the blog for reports on last years’ proceedings of this class if you like.)

I’ve got a collection of new activities for the coming year to tell you about, but I will leave that for another post. It’ll be interesting, I expect. I’m a bit too tired to tell you about it now, and in any case I must go on a trip and so had better finish packing.

I find that I’m looking forward to this semester. Although we start at the end of August, the semester never seems fully on the boil until after the Labor Day holiday, which is this weekend. So let us see what it brings next week…


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