Not Struck…

…by lightning or anything. Yay.


It was fun! (See previous post for what I’m talking about.) The audience seemed to like it. I got to explain that being curious and doing experiments and forming hypotheses is somehow preferable (to some) to sitting back and saying “God did it”, and that there are a lot of nice side effects of that curiosity. (You know, increased food supply, improved medicine, better communications, travel, overall quality of life, and so forth…) We even got to talk a tiny bit about physics (somehow I got on to neutrinos…. not sure why, but then… why not?). As a bonus, there was a magician there, who did a couple of tricks on stage. Back stage, we chatted and I got a pass to Magic Castle, so actually a major bonus for the evening! Above is a shot of me in conversation with “pastor Bill Stine”, snuck through the audience*. (I rather like it, because of the unusual framing.)


*Thanks aef!

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