Happy Thanksgiving!

For those celebrating it today, Happy Thanksgiving! I’ll be doing only a little cooking today, making one or two dishes to take over to some friends’ for a meal where ten people are bringing items together for what I expect will be a great meal. So I’ll be working for a chunk of the morning and then breaking to make Southern-style collard greens, and maybe also a sweet potato pie… Are you cooking? If so, good luck, and have fun!

Some people sit at thanksgiving dinner and in turn call out something they’re thankful for (or at least do so internally)… Well, if looking for some new things to be thankful for (there are always more), head over to the new blog for the PBS TV show Nova (The Fabric of the Cosmos – apparently the last episode aired last night, but you can watch it as a repeat or online) and read about some of the physics some of the contributors (myself included) have offered thanks for…



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