Handbook Extract, 2 – Warnings

In addition to the CMC staff handbook, I also got the mechanical crew handbook, which was originally drawn by Jim McEleny, and then revised in 1974 by Ted Mullings, who I told you about in the earlier post. The pages are more sparsely done in this one, but there’s still some great humour here and there… (Click for larger views….)


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4 Responses to Handbook Extract, 2 – Warnings

  1. Clifford says:

    Wow!!!! These are _fantastic_!!!!


  2. Ele Munjeli says:

    Kind of a sick follow-up. “It’s Great to Be Alive” Vintage Safety Manual.

  3. Clifford says:

    Yearrrrrrghhh!! Sorry about the sound of aghastness… but that’s a scary and vivid image! Yes, there are warnings of that sort of thing in the handbooks too….



  4. Ele Munjeli says:

    This reminds me of school field trips to the lock and dam on the river when I was a kid growing up on the Mississippi. We lived up north on Lock and Dam #13, and they would take kids on a tour of the facility with myriad threats about how you could get killed at a dam. Part of the lesson was about the cables that moored the barges: if one snapped it could cut a man in half. It seemed like folklore, but years later I met a friend who was raised down by Lock and Dam #16 and had a summer job there mowing the lawn. One day a cable snapped and took off a guy’s legs, both of ’em, just below the knees.