A Physics Joke for April Fool’s Day

Since I did not manage to put together an April Fool joke this year (again!), I’ll leave you with a joke sent to me today* that I’d heard some time ago, but still makes me laugh out loud since it is so close to the truth about how keen we Physicists tend to be when it comes to problem-solving, and sharing the solution, even when it is not such a good idea. I do not know the originator of the joke, but here it is:

During the French Revolution a philosopher, a poet, and a physicist were condemned to die by the guillotine. First they bring up the philosopher and put his head in the block. Then the executioner pulls the cord, but the blade doesn’t fall and remains at the top. The executioner exclaims, “It’s a sign from God! You may go free.” Next they bring up the poet and put his head in the block. The executioner pulls the cord, but again the blade doesn’t fall and remains at the top. The executioner exclaims, “It’s another sign from God! You may go free.” Finally they bring up the physicist, but being a different sort he asks to be placed into the block looking up at the blade. Just as the executioner gets ready to pull the cord, the physicist shouts, “Hold it! I think I see your problem.”


*Thanks SJB!

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One Response to A Physics Joke for April Fool’s Day

  1. Claver says:

    Yah! Totally funny.