Time Bandit

dining_at_vijs_3Well, that was not altogether terrible, I gather, but I was so tired and a little bit out of sorts* when I started giving the talk that I was running very slowly. So by time I got to the end (even though I hit my right pace later on) I was some 15 minutes over. Ugh. People seemed to like it, but I definitely need to whittle out a few of the more superfluous slides (which I’d always intended to) and strike the intended pace I wanted to hit earlier than 3/4 of the way through the talk. My reward (besides some nice remarks at the end of the talk that sort of made my day) was a visit to another excellent restaurant for dinner, with some good company. The extraordinarily good Vij’s. The hour’s wait for the food was perfectly fine given the nibbles they bring you while you wait, and the food itself once you get it. Here’s a shot or two of some of the excellent food just after its arrival, and the empty dishes and satisfied hosts just after polishing it all off:

dining_at_vijs_2 dining_at_vijs_1

Back in my hotel and almost paralyzed with tiredness, I find myself unable to work on refining the talk for tomorrow. I think I shall do it before breakfast in the morning…


*Takes me a while to get used to heating systems during Winter, the dryness from which can induce a bit of a headache, of the sort I started the talk with. Gosh, I’m turning into such a delicate flower these days!

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2 Responses to Time Bandit

  1. Pingback: Gloomy Sunday at Asymptotia

  2. Tommy says:

    Sorry I missed the dinner, but hopefully Anindya ate enough for me :). Safe travels!