Looking Forward…

new_books…to lots of happy reading soon! My new crop of shopping (click for larger view) includes three Octavia Butler novels, two Murakami novels (I think I’ve talked about both authors here before) and a science book by Garfinkle and Garfinkle (I’ve spoken about this excellent book here before) that is a gift for a friend. I actually tend to cluster authors from time to time, meaning that I read something of theirs and then consume several more of their pieces of work immediately after. I did that with Murakami a while back and it is time to come back to him and read some more. Then it’ll be a Butler cluster.

Now… just need to read them. I can’t wait…. but I must finish the astonishingly good “Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy first (got delayed on it at one point due to other pressing things but restarting – it is hard to put down, normally). You’ll recall me telling you about how much I loved the Road some time ago. This is part of a (somewhat looser) cluster of reading him too, although it got interrupted over the last year or so by Annie Proulx at one point, for one reason or another, along with Ruth Reichel’s trio of food-writing books, and Bill Buford’s Heat. And so on and so forth.

What are you reading these days?


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3 Responses to Looking Forward…

  1. Clifford says:

    Hi Anne and Supernova,

    Thanks for the ideas!


  2. Supernova says:

    I got Ursula LeGuin’s _Lavinia_ for my birthday and am enjoying it. Also just finished _The Corrections_ by Jonathan Franzen, which was very engrossing (and often hilarious).

  3. Anne says:

    Can I make a suggestion for _Fledgling_, when you get on your Octavia Butler jag? _Kindred_ I like for many reasons, the parable stuff, too. But _Fledgling_ really got to me. Also, you might check out Nalo Hopkinson, A Canadian speculative fiction writer. _Brown Girl in the Ring_, post-apocalyptic thing that Butler blurbs. She’s different–more vernacular–but works with neologism very flush-up directly in terms of language, as well as situation and setting, which I enjoy in Butler.