Don’t Forget the Orionids!

The Orionids peak today. Well, actually, they peaked a few hours ago, but I imagine there’ll still be some excellent viewing of this meteor shower the next night or two. If you’re up late or very early and out for a walk (in the pre-dawn hours), look up, stay steady for a while, and see what you can see. skymap_north_bigYou’re looking just above Orion’s shoulder (you know Orion since I am sure you are often struck by those three equidistant stars in his belt…see the diagram on right from NASA’s site) for the apparent source of these fragments of Halley’s comet’s tail that we happen to be passing through. It is these chunks of comet-tail that enter our atmosphere and produce what we see as meteors.

There is a lot of information on this site from NASA.


Thanks Shelley B.!

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2 Responses to Don’t Forget the Orionids!

  1. Thanks, as always, for the heads up. It’s cloudy on my side of the pond, but maybe tomorrow.


  2. Plato says:

    The Mrs. and I shall be looking for the show tonight. With Winter beginning to set in, I hope cloud cover dissipates so we can see. We usually have a good view of Orion at this time of year. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Your last call out for looking of the meteor showers we had a good show.
