
Passover Seder plate from thedailygreenI hope Passover was good for those of you who observe it. I was honoured to be invited to a Seder last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, actually. Lots of telling, reading, telling, and more telling. And food. Plenty of food. And wine. Plenty of Wine. Then, lots of conversation into the night. More food, more wine. Excellent. (Image: Passover Seder plate from thedailygreen.)

Today, I was sent* a link to a Graduate Student Haggadah. It will no doubt resonate with many of you from either tradition. Among my favourite bits:

Leader: We begin with the Passover plate. The four foods on this plate symbolize the years of graduate school.

Leader: The first item is the bitter herbs.

All: The bitter herbs were painstakingly prepared over several years.

Leader: The second item is the chocolate covered-pretzels.

All: The chocolate-covered pretzels symbolize the food which our forefathers ate while attending evening talks.


Find the whole thing here.



*Thanks, SJB!

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