nsbp and nshp conference logoI learned from Chanda Prescod-Weinstein* (an occasional commenter here) that it is time to register for the joint NSBP and NSHP (National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists) conference. It’ll be in Washington DC, February 20th-24th. (Actually, it has been time to register, for some time, but I’m late to the party, as usual.)

Chanda’s been working on some of the organization, and she says on her blog (go there for more):

This year’s conference will feature a plenary on Cosmology and Quantum Gravity, organized by Chanda Prescod-Weinstein and starring Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State), Lenny Susskind (Stanford), and Meg Urry (Yale).

The NSBP has updated their website, by the way, and the relaunched version is here. The conference information is here.

I’ve been invited to speak this year, and I’ve found some funds to help me travel there, so it looks like I’ll be coming. So if you’re going, perhaps I’ll see you there.




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2 Responses to NSBP and NSHP

  1. I’d not heard of these organisations before. Very interesting. Will be interested to hear how it goes (that’s directed to both Cliff and Chanda).


  2. Chanda says:

    It should also be noted that we are still accepting abstracts. There is still space in the cosmology and gravitation sessions for a couple of submitted talks, and we’ll also be accepting posters. Please submit if you have some original work in this field and will be attending the conference! As I say in my blog entry, this conference is open to everyone so I really hope you will consider joining us.

    And a final attempt to plug for the conference: one of the things that makes NSBP unique in this particular area of research is that people talk to each other across traditional borders (strings, loops, classical gravity) in interested and productive ways. Attending NSBP/NSHP is your chance to see it in action 🙂