8 Responses to Spooky Strings

  1. chris bishopp says:

    I am not a physicist in any way but I was searching for an informed opinion and answers to questions I have on M theory as a cohesive theory.

    I know the “M” stands for membrane but could it stand for medium as well?

    For example, in my opinion the universe as we know it and the laws that we assign to it are defined by the medium through which it can manifest. This medium is determined (in it’s simplest terms) by limited frequencies of light, sound, and motion that are within the range of human sensory capacity. Waves determine the motion and define the boundries.

    Other dimensions must be determined by their own unique medium and the results of collision within that medium.

    Why only eleven dimensions?

    Do wave theory and thermodynamics have any effect on conclusions in M theory?

    I realize that I am just an interested party with limited mathmatical knowledge so these questions must sound childlike, but it seems that the creation of what we call the universe might only be a point we are choosing to focus on at the very top of the wave.

    The singularity we speak of might be merely an obsession with confining the infinate.

    Thank you for your time and patience and I hope I have not bored you to tears.

    If you have any thoughts or suggested readings it would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Pingback: Memories, Physics, and Celebration - Asymptotia

  3. spyder says:

    creepy crawly
    creepy crawly
    creepy creepy
    crawly crawly
    creepy creepy
    crawly crawly
    Boris the spider….

    i wonder what Townsend was looking at?

  4. John says:


    I am sorry to hear that, but hope you will get better soon!

    Best wishes.

    P.S. Looking at the debate following your other post, you probably need to get better soon.

  5. Clifford says:

    John! thanks! I’m very ill today, so there’ll be no fun Halloween activity unfortunately. Just trying to get better.

    Happy Halloween to you!



  6. John says:


    Happy Halloween! Spooky or not, best wishes.

  7. Clifford says:



  8. candace says:

    A ha! Cornish dewy web from my last holiday, oooohh spooky.