Meeting in Memory

Nipped across to Cambridge to give a talk at the Andrew Chamblin Memorial Conference. Link here.

Speaker and participant list means that I should have some very interesting conversations, both about physics and other. The conference celebrates the scientific work of Andrew Chamblin, who died earlier this year. (See posts here and here.) It is a sister conference to the one held in Louisville earlier this year. This is a great loss to the field, and this will no doubt emerge in the talks from lots of his former collaborators, and in the private conversations. Andrew was so bright, creative, and enthusiastic about the physics (and so much of everything else) and so he was a wonderful collaborator.

I also hope to go and sit in a couple of the places where he loved to sit, and remember him here in Cambridge, where he was so happy.

I do so miss him.


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3 Responses to Meeting in Memory

  1. Pingback: Memories, Physics, and Celebration - Asymptotia

  2. Pingback: Saturday Morning Fun - Asymptotia

  3. Alejandro Rivero says:

    Ups it is 14:12 now. I missed it! Where in the DAMPT do they paste the announcements of the conferences?