Fail Lab Episode 6 has a lot of things blowing up, so that’s good, right? We actually had a lot of fun mixing in a little bit of comedy with the science. (See an earlier post I did after shooting this episode.) I hope you have fun watching it! As a bonus, everybody’s favourite, petal the brain dog, makes an appearance again. Well done once again, director/writer/producer Patrick and his team for their work on making it such a visual treat – and James, it was fun to write with you and Crystal!
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Brain Dog FTW. So cute. So smart.
RT @asymptotia: #FailLab -Pyrotechnics: It has a lot of things blowing up, so… yay? @ZoochosisCOM @PolycrystalhD @jinborneo…
@asymptotia @PolycrystalhD @jinborneo Definitely one of my favorites. I love the 8-bit music and lowfi animation. You and Crystal are great!