They’re Back!

…And this time they mean business…

That wonderful giant cactus plant in the back garden has done its trick of suddenly producing a host of lovely large flowers again. (Click to enlarge photo, and see below for links to earlier years’ posts on the very same phenomenon).

I saw them Tuesday morning, and I think they’ll be gone very soon (by Wednesday or the day after).

So lovely, so massive… and so sad that they last for so short a time.

But such is life. Enjoy and revel in things while they last, and then move on, holding the essence of it close inside you.



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6 Responses to They’re Back!

  1. Mark Peifer says:

    Lovely! You can grow them indoors. I have a red variant on this “cactus” and I really love it–mine blooms in my solarium in the early spring in North carolina.

  2. Irene says:

    So pretty! Unfortunately, they wouldn’t fair well in the midwest either though.

  3. Clifford says:


    Sorry to hear the UK weather was a bit down on the flowers this year… 🙁


  4. Mary Cole says:

    Ditto the above!

  5. Oliver says:

    Lovely! I’ve had hardly any flowers this year, thanks to the truly grim British summer of 2012.

  6. Mary Cole says:
