National Physics Day

Er… it is National Physics Day today, apparently. National Science Foundation says so, so it must be so.

Bad me for not knowing. In my defence, I try to live every day like it is National Physics Day. International, even.

…You’re not convinced, methinks.

Ok, I’m a bad physics professor*. Bad! Bad!


(*I also missed Earth Day on Sunday, what with being preoccupied with the Festival of Books and so forth. So I’m a bad earthling too. But I really do try to live each day like it is Earth Day…)

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5 Responses to National Physics Day

  1. Clifford says:


    I’ve not been following that discussion and so have nothing to contribute to it.



  2. SLC says:

    A little OT but what is Prof. Johnson’s take on the issue of quantum fusion, which seems to be causing something of a brouhaha. It is said that if it appears to good to be true, it probably isn’t. Several people have commented on it over at Mano Singham’s blog, pointing out some apparent holes in the theory behind it but the opinion of an active physicist would be appreciated.

  3. Peter Hornby says:

    Well, it may indeed be National Physics Day. Chad Orzel thought so too – apparently it was all over Twitter. But the link he cited, which originated from the American Physical Society, actually referred to a National Physics Day in 1996, as pointed out by one of Chad’s commenters here (

    Shades of the “Mars as big as the full moon” myth, which comes around every August.

  4. Clifford says:



  5. Amy says:

    But you are a reliable blogger, so all is forgiven. 😉