Yácatas while Brooding

yacata_4 Another shot of one of the Yácatas at Tzintzuntzan. (See the previous post for background information.)

Bizarrely, my Summer is all of a sudden threatening to transform from one of withdrawal into hiding to work on my Project to a much more travelled mode than I intended. The Morelia trip was intended to be my only exception (I agreed to it back in the Fall of last year and have said no to nearly everything else that came up), but in the last week or two (and the last few days in particular) several things have come up (involving travel) that I can’t easily turn away from. One of them would take me to Aspen (even though I decided not to go and hide there this year as I often do – as you know from reading here over the years), while others would take me off to Europe. I’d planned to be back on walkabout in Europe (continuing an earlier phase of it that you read about in February and March – see the list of related posts below) and had put it off for various reasons, so perhaps I will try to combine a bit of that (in service of the Project) with the other things, if I do it.

This is all me thinking out loud. I’ve not decided what to do yet. Hunkering down and working in hiding for the remaining few weeks before my teaching duties begin again is also very attractive indeed, and the Project needs that sort of focus time and less of the running around.


More later.


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