A Short Cut to Mushrooms

My title for the last post reminded me of a discovery I made the other day (and gave me an excuse to steal a favourite title for this post – know its origin?). I was watering a plant that I’d not tended to properly for a while since I was away on Walkabout, and I noticed, upon looking closely, that it has been under attack by mushrooms!! Wow!

Click on each of the thumbnails below for a larger view:

mushrooms_in_plant_1 mushrooms_in_plant_2 mushrooms_in_plant_3

No, I’ll not be eating them since I’ve no idea what they are… Do you?


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4 Responses to A Short Cut to Mushrooms

  1. Pingback: A Short Cut to Mushrooms (Again) at Asymptotia

  2. Clifford says:

    Oh good… It is still familiar to some.. 🙂


  3. Supernova says:

    Old Maggot is really a stout fellow — if you leave his mushrooms alone.

  4. Mark V says:
