Periodically Fun!

This is just great. I don’t know what it is good for, except amusement and nostalgia, but that’s a good portion of the balance sheet of the good things in life, so that’s good enough for me. It is a periodic table of elements that you can click on to find a selection of early comic book references to it. It is by some of my old neighbours – members of the Chemistry department at the University of Kentucky (F. James Holler and John P. Selegue) – and I’ve no idea how old this project is (1996, perhaps?), but it’s new to me. Click on the table to go to their site:




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3 Responses to Periodically Fun!

  1. Michelle says:

    Oh this is too funny – I just wrote an essay on alternative periodic tables for Nature’s new Chemistry journal and I wished I’d known about this one!

  2. Justin says:

    Thanks simply for the opportunity for us civilians to get reacquainted with all those amusingly-named >100-numbered elements. If I ever open a nightclub, I’m calling it Dubnium.

  3. Elliot says:

    This is a wonderful time sink.
