They’re Back!

Wow! Almost to the day (see last year’s post), they have returned, perhaps stronger than ever! I had two big waves of them this year, one about ten days to a fortnight ago, and another new one starting a couple of days ago. Here’s one:

flowers from my san pedro cactus 2008

Flower from my San Pedro cactus (trichocereus pachanoi). (Click for larger view.)

I love these flowers dearly for many reasons. First and foremost, they are beautiful, but there’s an additional enhancement of my love brought about by their short-lived nature. They’ll appear all of a sudden, somewhat unexpectedly, and last just one day only (maybe two) essentially, before folding up and going away forever. The explosion of these buds on the tree comes and goes altogether in a matter of one to three days. It is quite sad and quite wonderful.

Just in case you’re not sure just how large these marvellous flowers are, I took a shot with one of my hands in view. See also the wider shot, showing more of the cactus itself. (Click for larger view.)

flowers from my san pedro cactus 2008 flowers from my san pedro cactus 2008

Have a look at a close up of the intricate structures in the interior too.

flowers from my san pedro cactus 2008

So delicate, so fragile and fleeting, so beautiful… Sigh.


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5 Responses to They’re Back!

  1. Carol&Co says:

    Spectactular – had a wonderful crop of flowers in our garden this year but not one compares to that special one!

  2. Clifford says:

    Busted… We’re all secretly poets.

    Thanks for the thought.. and the link!


  3. Laura says:

    I posted a link to your blog on my facebook page. It reads “poetry oooozes out of physicists.” Just my personal, biased POV. :).

  4. Athena says:

    Gorgeous flowers. Your photos capture their beauty well, but I imagine they’re even more spectacular when seen for real.

  5. casey says:

    wow-so beautiful!