Leonids Ahoy!

By the way, don’t forget the Leonids over the next few nights, if you happen to be out and about. There’s no exceptionally high activity expected, but that does not mean you won’t see a few if you’ve a mind to look up. It’s at least a good conversation point (or a perfect excuse to go to a romantic spot after that weekend movie date) so keep an eye out. I’ll point you to a post I did last year on these meteors for viewing (and background) information. Here.


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6 Responses to Leonids Ahoy!

  1. astromcnaught says:

    A great place for all current spacey things is here:


  2. Clifford says:

    Nothing special… just keep my ears open. Radio, web, email…. no sources in particular.



  3. I do check for them when I can, and sometimes I see this stuff. (In Scotland the problem isn’t just city lights, although as you say I probably get less of that than you do — it’s that I live near some flood-lit buildings so I get some very bright lights right in my face, plus fairly cloudy weather).

    Anyway, it’s great that you post about all this astral activitiy. I’m just curious as to where you get the info on what’s happening when? Do you just remember from the year before, or do you get updates from, eg, NASA or similar?


  4. Clifford says:

    Try looking anyway, friends. I live in LA, which has more than its share of light pollution. But sometimes, you can see things in the sky if you’re patient. It helps to make the effort to maybe go a park (take a friend or two if you are not happy being in parks at night alone), and sometimes you get more visibility if the thing in question is in the right part of the sky. Let’s not totally give up on remembering our skies just because we’re in the city. I agree it can be hard though. But go check from time to time just in case….



  5. I’m glad you keep us blogospherians informed of all this stellar stuff. Where do you get the info, by the way? I wish I could see more of the things you post about, but like Cornellian above, I live too near city lights. Sometimes I get lucky anyway, though.


  6. a cornellian says:

    This assumes you live someplace where it, you know, gets dark.

    (I have relocated to Chicago…it just kinda gets dimmer here at night…..)