One year ago today, I did the Welcome post on this blog. It is Asymptotia’s first birthday anniversary!
It has been a very enjoyable year of blogging here, and sharing the company of so many of you who visit occasionally or regularly to read, and perhaps share a thought, joke, an idea, or an anecdote.
This sort of blog, with its wide (and perhaps odd) selection of topics, from the fun to the serious, the trivial to the profound (well, I’m still working up to a profound post!), the light to the heavy, and the local to the global, is not to everyone’s tastes, and that suits me fine.
It has just been great to have the freedom to pick and choose topics as I please, knowing that you in turn will come and go as you please and use the scroll bar as much as you see fit. It’s an excellent arrangement.
If you have been coming back for more, then it must suit you to some extent too, so that’s great. Thanks for your readership, participation, and support. In case you’ve been wondering, the count of daily visits seems to hover in the range 950 – 1000 or so (although for several months, due to my original iphone post showing up a lot on Google images searches, it seemed to get stuck at 1400 – 1500 and more), which is much more than I could have expected in such a short time, so thanks.
Vastly many more of you read than comment, and that’s fine, but do know that it is nice from time to time to hear from you about what you think – even if it is just to say you like what you saw (or did not) or just to say Hi. The best part of that is that you sometimes get to know some of the other regulars, and join in the community.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of you in person as well, and that’s been great too – just this week I’ve had three people come up to me out of the blue and mention that they are readers, and a number of you have come through LA for one reason or another and got in touch to say hello. It does not always work out that I can say Hi in person, but it is really great that people think to get in touch when nearby.
At other times, people have contacted me to let me know they found something on the blog useful (things to do or see in LA, the name of a flower, a new recipe idea, encouragement to delve a bit more into an aspect of science, and so forth), and it is not always from something that I wrote – sometimes it is from the comment posts that some of you have made. So there’s a really satisfying sense of community that we seem to have here and I hope that you continue to participate, and perhaps tell a few friends to stop by too.
P.S. I cobbled together the drawing just now, so it’s a bit rough.
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Happy anniversary – we have learned a lot this year! Thanks and keep it going, please.
Hi Joe,
I’m a bit old-fashioned, I’m afraid. It is just a quick sketch in simple pencil and paper. No computers involved. Then I just kept a reasonably steady hand and took a snapshot of it.
Formal training? Heavens, no! (They’d have to fire the art teacher if so….)
How did you do that drawing? With a stylus tablet connected to your Powerbook? Do you have formal training in Art?
R. Penrose does his own drawings for his book, so that makes the whole “communication” thing easier.
buon compleano Clifford
I’ve been reading Asymptotia since the beginning and don’t think I’ve missed one post. I really like the eclecticism and the approach to the different topics. Keep up the good work.
Happy birthday/ Anniversary + congratulations, Asymptotia & Clifford.
Thank you,
Armchair physci.
CONGRATULATIONS! Here is to many more years of blogging!
Happy anniversary and looking forward to the “terrific twos” (!) of Asymptotia! 😎
Whatever you do, don’t stop now!
Happy blogiversary!
Congratulations and thanks for blogging! Asymptotia is always worth a visit 🙂 I’m looking forward to the next n years,
Happy Birthday Asymptotia! Thanks for your thoughtful and interesting posts. It’s wonderful to have the views of a real, live physicist only a blog’s breadth away!
Thank you and please keep blogging.
Happy anniversary, and keep it up with the fun and cool writing 🙂
Hi Everyone:- Thanks a lot for the comments! Very nice and encouraging to hear indeed…. and I’ve never been greeted in Yiddish before, nor had it written on the blog, so we see yet another reason why it’s great to do this…!
astromcnaught:- Bigger and bigger as in the “1” just expanding as in the common illustration of the expanding universe? 🙂
Happy birthday 🙂
And all the best for the years to come!
Congratulations on the anniversary. This is one of the “few” blogs I read on a fairly continuous basis and enjoy it immensely. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday, Asymptotia!
And many happy returns of the day. As we say in Yiddish
מיט מ×ַזל געיערט זיך
(mit mazl geyert zikh)
Yearify oneself with fortune!
On the commenting, I only comment if I have something to say (well, except this post), but imagine what would happen if all 1k people posted?
(if you google “sex higgs” you are the top result)
Hooray! Can’t believe it’s been just a year, it seems much longer. 🙂
Nice Blog Clifford,
I really enjoy some of the posts. got some great information about some of the npr programmes and also some (partial) insight into how a theoretical physicist goes about his work.
Congratulations Clifford, keep up the good work. This blog is always fun to read, even when I don’t find time to comment.
Happy anniversary, Clifford. I am a regular reader, and enjoy your posts (especially the ones about the process of doing research) a lot. Looking forward to more!
Nice ‘one’ Clifford. I enjoy my visits here, and have definitely been won over by your eclectic mix of posts during the past year. Many Happy Returns
Happy Birthday and congratulations on a great year!
\o/ Yay! \o/ Keep it up!
Happy Birthday, cvj.
Happy birthday from me too.
I look forward to seeing the numbers on the balloon getting bigger and bigger…
Happy Anniversary to Asymptotia, Clifford! I don’t read many blogs, but yours is always one that I check, when I can. I like the wide variety of topics, so your blog suits me fine. May Asymptotia have many more anniversaries. 🙂