Thanks to everyone who made all those kind remarks in various places last month after my mother died. I’ve not responded individually (I did not have the strength) but I did read them all and they were deeply appreciated.
Yesterday would’ve been mum‘s 93rd birthday. A little side-note occurred to me the other day: Since she left us a month ago, she was just short of having seen two perfect square years. (This year and 1936.) Anyway, still on the theme of playing with numbers, my siblings and I agreed that as a tribute to her on the day, we would all do some kind of outdoor activity for 93 minutes. Over in London, my brother and sister did a joint (probably chilly) walk together in Regents Park and surrounds.
I decided to take out a piece of the afternoon at low tide and run along the beach. It went pretty well, except that I started later than I had planned originally and quite a bit of the run had to be along rocky terrain, so a bit slow going. Nevertheless, it was well worth it! Mum deeply loved the beach and the ocean, so I thought of her quite a bit as I muddled along. Ocean, sea, fish, fishing, sun, sand, and sea air are all things that remind me of her.