Neither a Hot Shot nor a Know-it-All, But…

hotshotknowitallI’m neither a Hot Shot nor a Know-it-All, but I’ve agreed to appear as one or the other Saturday night (Sat. Dec. 3rd), in the company of real hot shots Joel Hodgson (from MST3K!), Sarah Silverman, Sam Phillips, and several others. It’s a fun event with the proceeds going to a charity, and tickets are still available! I think (I’m not sure) that I’ll be part of a team sitting at tables around the venue that people can ask questions about… you know, stuff. I imagine I’ll be asked physics questions…?

More information here. Or here.

For the record, I’m a know-it-some.


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5 Responses to Neither a Hot Shot nor a Know-it-All, But…

  1. Clifford says:

    Perhaps about as much as it makes me a brain surgeon…. 🙂


  2. Mark Peifer says:

    But string theory makes you a rocket scientist, no??

  3. Clifford says:

    Thank you for offering, but no.

    – cvj

  4. I have a paper for Thomas Young. The Abstract is 200 years late, but better that than never. Would you like to read this Abs. PDF?

  5. Hot Shot and Knowers. We need them. The fact that they exist shows how smart the universe is!