
Anyone else finding this terrifying? A snapshot (click for larger view) from the Guardian’s live results tracker* as of 19:45 PST – see here.


*BTW, I’ve been using their trackers a lot during the presidential primaries, they’re very good.

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60 Responses to Concern…

  1. Clifford says:

    And yes, this does make the Trump thing even more frightening.


  2. Clifford says:

    Not really Jacques…. this does not look like any UK political map… except of course the Map of Fear.


  3. Oh, and by happy coincidence, Trump is in Scotland right now. I’m sure he’ll be asked about Brexit. (Last time he was asked, he didn’t even know what the word meant but, when the interviewer explained, he said he was in favour.

  4. Isn’t that pretty much the Labour/Tory geographic split?

    (And who has more votes?)