Gut Feeling…

gut_feeling_sampleStill slowly getting back up to speed (literally) on page production. I’ve made some major tweaks in my desktop workflow (I mostly move back and forth between Photoshop and Illustrator at this stage), and finally have started keeping track of my colours in a more efficient way (using global process colours, etc), which will be useful if I have to do big colour changes later on. My workflow improvement also now includes putting some tasks onto the iPad so that I can even get production effort done on the train twice a day. The unfortunately named app Procreate is a very good drawing program for mobile devices, and it allows me to preserve layer structure and export to photoshop format for reincorporating those results into the main works. I need to keep finding efficiency tweaks like this to make up lost time and finish this book on schedule! In the meantime, the consistency of my basic drawing (the engine room of the whole thing) seems to be coming back on stream… More on that later.


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