

Been a while since I shared a snippet from the graphic book in progress. And this time the dialogue is not redacted! A few remarks:

(1) New characters. ‘Cos…. new story. They’re facing each other on a train journey. Hence the fancy chairs.
(2) I’m actually just roughing out this story, but I got the urge to do a more fully rendered version of a panel I like.
(3) This is also an experiment: I’ve skipped the inking stage entirely here – the black stuff is actually my raw pencils. It turned out rather well. Some of those easy soft suggestions of texture and half-tone come out quite readily. Very tempting to abandon inking entirely for this story and continue in this style.
(4) Just for fun, here is the rough panel triptych that this is based upon:


That’s all.


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26 Responses to Mid-Conversation…

  1. Clifford says:


    I think there are weak links in several parts of the chain there. I don’t see the statement “some form of supergravity should exist” as compelling. Is there a strong argument for that? other than it follows “naturally” in some sense? (Assuming things like locality, notions like local field theory, etc, hold through a lot of scales…. No new fundamental length scales show up, etc…) And then let’s say you have some supergravity model coupled to a Susy standard model… I know of no proof that the only completion is into a string theory. Again, we’d say it is maybe the only thing we know that works as a completion, but that not a proof that there is no other parent theory… In other words, discovery of Susy would be a strong encouragement that strings might have something to do with nature, but nothing like a proof. In my opinion…. Maybe there are new facts in the market I missed, but until I hear of new arguments for the chain’s strength, that’s the state of affairs, I’d say.


  2. Jeff says:

    Clifford, I would like to ask you a string theory question, if that’s alright.
    Is it true that if SUSY is discovered, that some form of supergravity should exist? If true, and if supergravity’s completion is string theory, would that mean string theory gets shown to be true? I suspect that only a certain form of supergravity has its completion in string theory, and that form has nothing to do with our universe. Is that correct? If so, then that kinda sucks… 🙁