Page Samples…!

second_set_samples_editThere’s something really satisfying about getting copies of printed pages back from the publisher. Makes it all seem a bit more real. This is a second batch of samples (first batch had some errors resulting from miscommunication, so don’t count), and already I think we are converging. The colours are closer to what I intended, although you can’t of course see that since the camera I used to take the snap, and the screen you are using, have made changes to them (I’ll spare you lots of mumblings about CMYK vs RGB and monitor profiles and various PDF formats and conventions and so forth) and this is all done with pages I redid to fit the new page sizes I talked about in the last post on the book project.

Our next step is to work on more paper choices, keeping in mind that this will adjust colours a bit again, and so forth – and we must also keep an eye on things like projected production costs and so forth. Some samples have been mailed to me and I shall get them next week. Looking forward to seeing them.

For those who care, the pages you can see have a mixture of digital colours (most of it in fact) and analogue colours (Derwent watercolour pencils, applied dry and then flowed with a water brush – see posts like this about those) that I’ve then brought into the digital space for final production. Now I know it works nicely I will likely be doing a lot more of this mixture, as it makes for some nice texture and blends (like on those hills you can just make out.)

In case you’re wondering, I’m nowhere near finishing the book at this point. I just thought I should spend a bit of time working with the production people to make sure we are all on the same page (sorry about the pun) before producing any more finished pages. It would suck to work on hundreds of pages only to discover that all my colours are not coming out right, etc.



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66 Responses to Page Samples…!

  1. Alice Oven says:

    Yes! So happy to read this, Clifford. I’ll be following your blog obsessively from now on 🙂