Odd Stick

walking_stickWhile on my way to work yesterday, I encountered an unusual sight (pictured on the right). It was a walking stick, leaning up against a post. It was unusual to me simply because I imagine that someone had lost their stick, and so someone else, upon finding it, had put it there in plain view so that the owner might find it again. Alternatively, the owner had simply forgotten it there? But surely you would not lose or forget and item you presumably depend upon for walking…? Either way, I’m finding it difficult to imagine a narrative leading to this circumstance that does not have slightly disturbing undertones to it.

Anyway, I left it where it was, of course, and hurried on toward the subway and bus.

On my way back home, about 12 hours later (yeah, it was one of those days), it was gone.


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6 Responses to Odd Stick

  1. kpk says:

    This one is even more plausible. Squared.

  2. Carl Brannen says:

    A lot of people who are just barely old enough to need a walking stick are just barely old enough to forget it when they set it aside in order to take a photograph.

  3. “But surely you would not lose or forget and item you presumably depend upon for walking…?”

    A lot of people use mobility aids part-time or not-completely-full-time, so it’s not that odd to lose one. Back in the days when my myopia was less severe, it was not uncommon for me to forget to wear my glasses to school; it’s a similar principle.

    You know what I worry about? Is when you see a discarded sock or other garment on a sidewalk or street gutter, and I wonder who, over the age of about three, suddenly removes and discards their socks while walking down the street?


  4. Clifford says:

    That’s an interesting scenario!


  5. kpk says:

    Thanx Bob. It was refusing to fade away.

  6. robert says:

    A walker with stick happens on an unfortunate with s twisted snkle and offers the stick to help him/her home. This done, the injured party has the stick replaced where it was acquired and the good Samaritan picks it up later. (This actually happened to me) So it need not be that creepy after all.