8 Responses to Pah Pa-Pa Paah…

  1. Clifford says:

    Hi Jen!

    Yes, it does reveal my trumpet leanings, I suppose. Cover blown. But… in my defense, it is indeed played on the lead trumpet in the full orchestral piece heard in the film!

    As for the drums, the “bump..” version makes me laugh… but I imagine one could play it on the snare, and then it would be more like a “Rrrat ta-tat taattt…”

    Hopefully a zither player will now leave a comment enlightening us about how they hear the theme…



  2. Jen says:

    This could only have come from a trumpet player… it took me a minute to decipher. I don’t know if it’s my saxophone playing that makes me default to “dun da-da daah, dun da-daah…” or the fact that I’m a wanna-be drummer that wants to say “bump bum-bum bbbbbbbump…” but my brief stint on trumpet helped me figure it out.

    Yay, Indy! (I’ll save movie comments for another day.)

  3. Clifford says:

    Ok. I had the unfortunate experience of having the entire movie coloured by the knowledge revealed in your comment as I watched it. Not good. I don’t mind discussing the content of a movie, but it is a good idea to leave it for a while to let others see it (considerably more than 12-24 hours after its release), and maybe tag what you’re about to say with the now-web-standard phase “spoiler alert”, or something similar.

    Anyway, putting aside the fact that what little suspense there could have been was snatched away, I enjoyed it. It’s a fun popcorn movie… it does exactly what it says on the packet.

    Ok… no hard feelings… you can take my classes for credit with no fear… 🙂



  4. Bilal says:

    Whoops, sorry about that. I wrongfully assumed that all die-hard fans would have seen the movie the day of the release.

  5. Clifford says:


    Thanks… I can read music too. Very good.

    Thanks for, without warning, typing plot details of the movie. That’s just great. Why would you think it ok to ruin movies for others who have not seen them yet – the day after release. It really is not at all considerate to everyone else.

    Thanks a lot.


  6. Bilal says:

    and there’s a forte towards the end of the last bar. 🙂
    I saw the movie last night. I had hoped

    […snip, snip…. Since it is the first day after the release of the movie, I’m deleting the plot details that Bilal helpfully decided to put here for all to see without warning. Sigh…. -cvj]

  7. Clifford says:

    Oh yeah… Tonight!


  8. Harold says:

    Glad to see another Indy fan! =) I hope to see the movie soon!