
mum's  coconut bread

Well, for some of you, the title of the post should be “Frustration”, since I’ll get to try these (click for larger view) later when they cool down, and (sadly) I can’t share them with you in that way. But I thought I’d share the common and special memory of the warmth of baking smells… good thing to start the year off with. Especially if you’re somewhere a bit cold.

There’s been a lot of cooking and eating here over the last week and a half. I’ve done a tiny amount, since the Master is here, and she’s been having fun putting my kitchen through it’s paces. Above is her coconut bread, which is even more delicious than it looks there cooling on the rack. My only contribution to this was to go all over the place looking for coconuts that were not bad once you brought them home from the grocery store. (Success rate: 2/5.)

It’s the end of the second day of the year already, and I’m tired. Happily, it is not due to generally being worn down by life, but because I did a bit of a push to finally finish a project I’ve been dabbling on for a couple of weeks now. It’s a non-physics one, and involved copious amounts of sawdust, among other things. I’m tired, but feeling rather pleased with the results. I hope to show you them in the next post or two.

My sister and Baby Z have returned to England, leaving my mum here to continue her visit for a bit longer. We’re going to hang out and do some more cooking, some gardening, and various simple but fun things, like hikes in the hills and walks on the beach. Lots to talk about, past, present and future, as we do.

It’s been a good break from the teaching routine, and I’ve got a couple more weeks before getting back in front of the young ones again. At some point I’ve got to work out the structure of an entirely new course (on Special and General Relativity for Undergraduates – there’ll be more on this later), but I’m not going to think about that until a few days before the course, because I have to find time to do think about and work on actual non-teaching physics – Research – before my time gets filled up again by a new semester’s routine. I need to do this, as I’m behind on several projects.

Oh. I just heard from my mum that it is my turn to cook*. Got to go.


(*Actual blog post written a bit earlier than final posting time…)

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4 Responses to Anticipation

  1. Pingback: In Which I Fail Physics 101… - Asymptotia

  2. How do you find coconuts that are not bad, once brought home? I have yet to find a good coconut outside the tropics, but admitedly I have pretty much given up looking.


  3. Samantha says:

    Oh my goodness that looks good!

  4. Mary Cole says:

    Coconut bread.Mmmmmmm!!!