NPR on Blogging

Well, it is more or less the tenth anniversary of the blog. Not this blog – the whole weblogging thing. NPR did a rather nice radio pastiche to survey the business of blogging. It was done with good humour – they made a radio blog, with audio versions of hyperlinks, scrolling, and so forth. It’s rather amusing, and even somewhat informative as a bonus. They interview various people including (of course) Justin Hall who is identified as one of the earliest bloggers. He’s an interesting guy. I met him briefly when he was here at USC’s Interactive Media Division, during that meeting on academic blogging I blogged about a while back. You can start out finding out a bit more about him and blogging by google searching. Sooner or later you’ll hit the Wikipedia entry on blogging, which currently looks reasonably good.

You can listen to the NPR piece here. Note that all through the week they will be looking at different blogging types and different blogs, Should be interesting indeed.

So this brings up the obvious question: Now that Queen e-Lizabeth has her own YouTube channel (uh, NPR story here*), will she start a blog soon?**




*The first TV broadcast of the Queen’s speech (1957) is surprisingly fascinating. No, really. It’s just interesting to see how it was produced and edited and how it was written, and I wonder how much she rehearsed (she’s very good). I also like how it set down all the basic material for all the later parodies of this sort of thing.

**Or does she already have one and I’m behind the times again?

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