Impressively, Stephen Hawking seems to have the Guardian newspaper doing his “help wanted” ads for him by cunningly disguising them as news articles. I spotted this here, in the Education section. I’ve no idea what this means, but it seems rather odd to me. Anyway, I’m knowingly passing on the information about the search, I suppose, by blogging it. So there. Go look at it, read the particulars, and get in touch with Cambridge if you’ve got “the right stuff”.
Knowing two of Hawking’s former graduate assistants, I would like to add that this is an extremely tough job which can be 24h but is also potentially very rewarding. I would guess it more appropriate for an electrical engeneer rather than a theoretical physicist as the soldering iron is a daily friend (whenever I needed a soldering iron while at DAMTP I asked the SWH’s graduate assistant) and fixing/improving the computer (hardware) is a big part of the job.