Pen Faces

Well, it has been a while since I’ve posted any sketches, but that does not mean that I’ve not been doing any. I’ve had a visitor and have not been on my usual routine, and so I’ve got a bit out of practice for not doing so many, but I still snatch the opportunity to sketch when I can. Here are a few faces and fragments of faces I grabbed on the bus and subway in recent weeks. (Click for a larger view.) I just used a ballpoint pen, and a sideways glance or few…

I’m trying to decide whether I prefer catching faces on the subway or on the bus… Maybe the bus, depending upon whether I get the right seat that allows me to look without appearing to be looking too closely.

Also, in both cases it is better if the surroundings are reasonably populated. A sparsely filled bus makes me easier to spot when I’m stealing glances.


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