Tales from the Industry XXX – Specialty Act

I just thought you’d like to know this. I’m a Specialty Act. Got that?

Last month, just before taping some material for a new TV show (that you can see on a major broadcast network starting in a week or so) I signed some routine documents. One of them involved me ticking a box to specify my official status for the purposes of this work I was doing. (Another was a non-disclosure agreement, backed up by requests to not say more about it in advance of things, so I can’t tell you about the taping and so forth just yet. I hope to do so later.) Anyway, I asked the legal people which box I should tick. Turns out I’m a Specialty Act. Not a consultant or some other more familiar term usually applied when I am bringing some science to the popular culture mix, but a Specialty Act. I felt like I should have been coming on the stage juggling model planets and riding a unicycle while balancing an astrolabe on my nose. Yep… Years of training in studying the world by drawing diagrams, setting up and solving equations and so on and so forth makes me a Specialty Act. Heh.

Well, why not?


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10 Responses to Tales from the Industry XXX – Specialty Act

  1. Pingback: Tales From The Industry XXXI - An Extra Dimension at Asymptotia

  2. I seem to recall Lorenzo Sadun juggling in a math lecture. Are you saying you don’t?


  3. Kortney says:

    Thank you for sharing the links GarboTalks, they are exceptional vidoes. Each tid bit of Professor Johnson seems to bring greater light to understanding the study of String Theory and more.

    Professor, you speak very eloquently with obvious joy to teach us.
    Thank you for making yourself available to students of science worldwide, academically and also to those not able to attend class in person.

    You are not just “A Specialty Act” you are “A Main Event” a true and dedicated teacher, bringing love and understanding of science to inquiring minds through out the world.

    Thank you for caring so much to enlighten us and sharing sceintific research.

    Grazi tanto!

  4. Clifford says:

    You’re too kind. 😀


  5. GarboTalks says:

    I just re-watched these USC College videos of Clifford talking about string theory and physics in general and they are exceptional. In case anyone missed them, here are the links:




  6. Clifford says:

    Hi Plato and Elliot,

    Thanks. I was not asking for an explanation since I was not mystified by the use of the term, merely amused. (But your comments are perhaps valuable for others who might be curious as to the ins and outs.)


  7. Elliot says:

    I think we are probably all “specialty acts” here at Asymptotia 😉

    Yes its probably part of the standard contract with specific rules about payments, royalties, etc. associated with the classification.


  8. Plato says:

    Hi Clifford,

    I think it’s a legal classification/term you’ve been assigned too in the entertainment industry nothing more. Elliot might know.


  9. Clifford says:

    Humility in the Industry? That’s funny…



  10. Jataun says:

    You are special! From what I learned about the television industry, they don’t treat you special. They’re just keepin you humble is all.